Oxygen Hoods
Introducing GINEVRI's Hood System
Precision oxygen administration chamber ensuring consistent and accurate oxygen concentration for infants

Optimizing infant oxygen delivery
Oxygen Hood is normally used with a heated nebulizer/humidifier to maintain adequate humidity and temperature.
Oxygen concentration is controlled by adjusting the rate of flow. High oxygen concentration can be quickly obtained using hoods. Tests show that O2 concentrations over 97% are achieved in 4 minutes with the hood in a 40% oxygen environment.
No seal or plastic film around the infant’s neck is necessary to maintain high O2 concentrations.
GINEVRI’s hood comes in different sizes. The neck opening fits close enough to retain O2 concentrations, yet leaves sufficient space around the infant's neck to permit CO2 displacement and provide a safety factor in case of oxygen delivery system failure.
Via Cancelliera, 25/b 00041 Albano Laziale (Roma), Italy
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